Настройка glusterfs . Оптимизация

Настройка glusterfs. Оптимизация

Просмотрим статус gluster

gluster volume status


Status of volume: mediaserver
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick media12:/export/sdb1/brick            49152     0          Y       4644
Brick media13:/export/sdb1/brick            49152     0          Y       3850
Brick media14:/export/sdb1/brick            49152     0          Y       3847
Brick media15:/export/sdb1/brick            49152     0          Y       3849
NFS Server on localhost                     2049      0          Y       6740
NFS Server on media13                       2049      0          Y       39416
NFS Server on media14                       2049      0          Y       34456
NFS Server on media15                       2049      0          Y       30486
Task Status of Volume mediaserver
There are no active volume tasks

Проверим статус:

gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 3
Hostname: media13
Uuid: 1a7a7fbd-0a73-456e-86e1-69bf0a00ae81
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Hostname: media15
Uuid: 0ecf6591-a68a-46b1-8c61-d23fbf251935
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Hostname: media14
Uuid: 5e72c8dc-2fca-423e-931a-086cef6fc290
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Просмотрим информацию о gluster – установленных параметрах

gluster volume info 

Volume Name: mediaserver
Type: Distribute
Volume ID: 2c1d2500-d680-45d1-8584-29fc09689b3b
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 4
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: media12:/export/sdb1/brick
Brick2: media13:/export/sdb1/brick
Brick3: media14:/export/sdb1/brick
Brick4: media15:/export/sdb1/brick
Options Reconfigured:
performance.write-behind-window-size: 16MB
performance.io-cache: on
performance.write-behind: on
performance.flush-behind: on
performance.cache-size: 10GB
performance.cache-refresh-timeout: 60
performance.cache-max-file-size: 256MB
performance.io-thread-count: 32
nfs.disable: off
performance.readdir-ahead: on
transport.address-family: inet
diagnostics.latency-measurement: off
diagnostics.count-fop-hits: off
diagnostics.brick-log-level: NONE
diagnostics.client-log-level: NONE
features.cache-invalidation: on
features.cache-invalidation-timeout: 600
performance.stat-prefetch: on
performance.cache-samba-metadata: on
performance.cache-invalidation: on
performance.md-cache-timeout: 600
network.inode-lru-limit: 90000
features.trash: off
cluster.enable-shared-storage: enable

Установка параметров для glusterfs командой, например cluster.enable-shared-storage в значение enable

gluster volume set all cluster.enable-shared-storage enable 

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