Build TENGINE latest on debin/ubuntu script

#!/usr/bin/env bash # names of latest versions of each package export NGINX_VERSION=1.13.5 export TENGINE_VERSION=2.2.0 export VERSION_PCRE=pcre-8.41 export VERSION_LIBRESSL=libressl-2.6.1 export VERSION_NGINX=nginx-$NGINX_VERSION export VERSION_TENGINE=tengine-$TENGINE_VERSION #export NPS_VERSION= #export VERSION_PAGESPEED=v${NPS_VERSION}-beta # URLs to the source directories export SOURCE_LIBRESSL= export SOURCE_PCRE= export SOURCE_NGINX= export SOURCE_TENGINE= #export SOURCE_RTMP= #export SOURCE_PAGESPEED= # clean out any files from previous runs of this script […]

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