Deploy k3s(kubernetes) ha cluster with 3 master nodes

Deploy k3s(kubernetes) ha cluster with 3 master nodes Deploy k3s(kubernetes) ha cluster with 3 master node with etcd storage Why k3s ? Read there Req: ubuntu 20.04 6 nodes(you can use 2 master nodes for make HA Cluster with mysql or postgres database as cluster backend) WAY1 – Using etcd as database backend In K3s […]

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Postfix exporter with docker and prometheus.

Postfix exporter with docker and prometheus. in previous article we setup mailcow server with mailcow dockerized Now we configure monitoring for this server(postfix) with promethes exporter,prometheus,grafana. Setup prometheus exporter mkdir -p /etc/prometheus/exporters/postfix Create docker-compose file(docker-compose.yml) version: '3.5' services: exporter_postfix: image: "devsadds/exporter_postfix:2.0.0" volumes: – "/var/lib/docker/volumes/YOU_DOCKER_VOLUME_FOR_POSTFIX//_data/public/showq:/var/spool/postfix/public/showq:ro" – "/var/log/dockers/postfix/docker-postfix.log:/var/log/maillog:ro" ports: – "" stdin_open: true tty: true restart: always […]

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Percona xtradb cluster 5.7 with haproxy,consul and supervisord in docker swarm cluster

Percona xtradb cluster 5.7 with haproxy,consul and supervisord in docker swarm cluster Create percona xtradb cluster in docker swarm cluster. Proccesses in pxc docker run with supervisord, nodes pxc stored in consul server. Haproxy create with consul template auto update haproxy config. REQUIREMENTS 3 nodes swarm workers(node1,node2,node3) 1 node swarm manager(node4) Ip’s v4 nodes node1 […]

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Mailcow dockerized server on hetzner robot with multiply ipv4 and ipv6

Mailcow dockerized server on hetzner robot with multiply ipv4 and ipv6 Start info Main server hetzner with ip on enp0s31f6 interface; ipv4 subnet; ipv6 subnet 2a01:4g9:3a:556::/64; docker and docker-compose installed; sysctl tuned. mail domain name: mail domain gui: mail domain smtp: mail domain mx: System configure(ubuntu 20.04) Add ip […]

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