Deploy HA cluster postgres with repmgr,consul,consul-template and haproxy.

Deploy HA cluster postgres with repmgr,consul,consul-template and haproxy. All docker’s for this cluster already builed and i pushed repos with docker’s to github. Base docker for postgres – bitnami vendor. System Requirements: docker swarm with master(minimal 1) and 3 worker nodes(worker-1,worker-2,worker-3) Files: Dockers: Deploy order: tune sysctl deploy consul server with persistent […]

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How add cron in docker with supervisord.

How add cron in docker with supervisord. If your want add cron in docker with supervisord(in this example docker php-alpine) i can help you. In this example we add cron run every one minute for run script /etc/periodic/everyminute/schedule. This script we create with cat command. cat <<OEF> /etc/supervisor.d/cron.ini [supervisord] nodaemon=true [program:crond] command=/usr/sbin/crond -f -l 0 […]

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Apache JMeter Setup on Ubuntu/debian linux

Setup Apache JMeter on Ubuntu/debian linux First off all you need to setp java on yout linux machine. sudo apt install default-jre Then run this script #!/usr/bin/env bash # AJ_VERSION="5.2.1" install_aj(){ cd /tmp/ curl${AJ_VERSION}.tgz –output apache-jmeter-${AJ_VERSION}.tgz tar -xf apache-jmeter-${AJ_VERSION}.tgz mkdir -p ~/opt/apache-jmeter rm apache-jmeter-${AJ_VERSION}.tgz mv apache-jmeter-${AJ_VERSION}/* ~/opt/apache-jmeter/ } main(){ install_aj } main After install […]

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Percona xtradb cluster 8.0 with consul in docker swarm cluster

Depend on other snippets,let’s create percona xtradb cluster 8.0 with consul in docker swarm cluster Create percona xtradb cluster in docker swarm cluster. REQUIREMENTS 3 nodes swarm workers(node1,node2,node3) 1 node swarm manager(node4) Ip’s v4 nodes node1 – swarm worker – node2 – swarm worker – node3 – swarm worker – node4 – […]

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